Tutoring Center
Donnelly's Tutoring Center is dedicated to helping students excel in their classes. Tutoring is FREE for Donnelly students. You can walk in or make an appointment.
Location: 2nd floor, Room 201 - Academic Resource Center
Hours of Operation*
- Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
*Writing and Math tutoring are offered during all listed times. Contact Dr. Isaac Falcon for support in other subjects (i.e., chemistry, physics, etc.).
Does Tutoring Make a Difference? Consider This...
In a recent semester in one math course, tutored students scored an average of 1.35 points higher both in class grade and GPA than their classmates who did not attend tutoring. That is the difference between a D+ and B-. In the same semester, in a composition course, 35% of students who never attended tutoring received F’s or withdrew from the class. Among the students who attended tutoring, there were no F’s or withdrawals, and in fact, 88% of the tutored students received A’s or B’s in the class.

To Make an Appointment:
Click this Sign Up Genius form or the orange and white “SIGN UP!” button to the right to schedule a meeting with a tutor for any time in the next seven days. Same day appointments must be made at least two hours in advance.
While we encourage appointments, we also welcome walk-ins! If you do walk in, we recommend visiting between 9 - 11 a.m. if possible. This is when the tutoring center tends to be the least crowded, so you can receive the support you need in a timely fashion.
Paper Review and Submission Process
Tutoring sessions can also be used for paper review. To get the most out of a tutoring session, it is helpful to have your tutor review your paper in advance. To submit a paper and make an appointment to review it, follow the directions provided here.
Need more information? Contact:
Director of Academic Support