Campus Ministry

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

- St. Augustine of Hippo

Campus Ministry is open to all students, faculty and staff at Donnelly College. It seeks to encourage and accompany the Donnelly College community in our spiritual journey towards communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through prayer, scripture study and worship, as well as individual care and guidance, catechesis, community celebrations, evangelization and service activities we are a community of spiritual learners, disciples of Jesus, seeking to love God and others.  

At the heart of all we do is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where we receive the gift of Christ himself in the Eucharist. Everything we do at Donnelly flows from and returns to this eternal and divine act of love given for us and the whole world.   

Campus Ministry is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

Chapel Hours 

Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. 
Students, faculty and staff are welcome to pray in the chapel anytime it is open. 

Daily Mass 

Blessed Seelos Chapel 
Monday – Friday: 12:30 p.m.

Bible Sharing Group

Dragon's Den
Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.

Adoration & Confession

Blessed Seelos Chapel 
Tuesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Theology Thursday and Coffee with St. Benedict 

Every Thursday (alternating) at 2:30 p.m.

Campus Cupboard & Career Closet

Room 133

Visit our Campus Cupboard webpage for hours.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? 

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a class to learn more about the Catholic faith and a process for entering or reentering the Catholic Church. Email for more information.

Online Resource: FORMED is a free resource that is paid for and provided by Donnelly for all members of the community. Sign in to access videos, audio resources and more. Visit and select "sign up," selecting "Donnelly College" in the Parish or Organization search bar to sign up for your free account.

Our Patron

“It is not your justice but God’s mercy which is the motive of your trust. He is the God of all consolations and the Father of mercies… He came to heal the sick and to seek those who were lost. He spared the woman taken in adultery. He showed mercy to the thief crucified with him. He took upon himself our punishment. He prayed for his murderers. He now intercedes for us at the right hand of God. None of the damned was ever lost because his sin was too great, but because his trust was too small!”

— Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 

O God, who made your Priest Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 
outstanding in love, 
that he might proclaim the mysteries of redemption 
and comfort those in affliction, 
grant, by his intercession, 
that we may work zealously for your glory 
and for the salvation of mankind. 
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, 
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

(Proper Collect for the commemoration of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, approved by the USCCB) 



Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
Photo credit: The National Shrine of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos

Campus Minister

Matthew T. Vander Vennet, Ph.D.

Director of Mission & Assistant Professor of Theology


My role is to champion and enhance our identity as a Catholic college so that Donnelly remains true to the Benedictine charism and mission to bring others to Christ in a loving environment. I see my role as assisting students, faculty, staff, benefactors and the community in discovering the truth about what it means to be human and their identity as a beloved child of God.

I am originally from Peoria in central Illinois and went to college at Eureka College. Right out of undergrad, I was an admissions counselor at Eureka College for four years. When I moved to Columbia, MO, I worked in advancement at Central Methodist University in Fayette, MO as the Director of Annual Giving. I then pursued my Ph.D. at the Catholic University of America in Church History. I most recently was the Advancement Director at The High School of St. Thomas More in Champaign, IL. During my time at St. Thomas More, I completed my doctoral program at CUA and graduated in May 2023.  

My wife, Elizabeth, is a veterinarian and my best friend. We have four young children, two girls and two boys. Life has been busy lately, but God has been overwhelmingly good, and I would recommend life according to His Will to anyone!



Need more information? Contact:

Photo of Matthew T. Vander Vennet, Ph.D.

Matthew T. Vander Vennet, Ph.D.

Director of Mission & Assistant Professor of Theology

Photo of Sarah Hebel

Sarah Hebel

Mission Support Specialist

Photo of Fr. Aaku Maclean

Fr. Aaku Maclean


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